Wednesday 31 August 2011

Note to self - always grow sweet peas

I have been picking sweet peas since June, in June with the hope of long summer evenings and hot days ahead, now as the evenings draw in, sweet peas present warmth and comfort.  They have offered their colour and sweet scent at birthdays, anniversaries and a funeral this year. 
Plant in abundance next year.  

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Recovery plan

As the fresh term approaches, another child starts school and the trees already start to change colour I am filled with optimism of some order being restored.  The last academic year flew by with no ticks off of last September's list.  This year of course will be different as the third child starts school and I need to start to think about life on the other side.

Things to definitely achieve:
Complete Elizabeth David
Learn to make fail proof jam
Sort out the garden, prune trees, master vegetables and grow beautiful flowers.
Write a weeks menu for under £50 for Horsley community shop

Things I should achieve
Use up all my garden fruit
Make membrillo for Hobbs House Butchery
Make other produce for Hobbs House e.g, soups and chutneys.
Get kitchen EHO certified.
Start up provision of weekly cooked school lunches for Horsley School.
Sell my Cynthia and Betty children's vintage clothes online

Things I could achieve;
Beekeeping- I have the suit

Rockness enterprise

As I buy a string of onions and shallots from a neighbour the children sell toys and books to passers by.  

If I had a phone I would post a picture

My i phone has not recovered from being put in a white wash, and yes it was a white one.  The girls and I in an attempt to maintain our holiday carbs have just made scones.  No ordinary scones, butterfly, christmas trees, hearts and teddy bear scones. All now washed down with some disappointing homemade strawberry jam and black tea (no milk).
Please see next blog for recovery plan....

Tuesday 9 August 2011

No photo available

Perfect camping dinner,
No photo available, a good sign as the photo was an after thought after it was all ate with gusto. Sausages cooked ED style - boiled then fried to brown. New potatoes cooked to a smash with lashings of butter and some new season runner beans thrown in for one pot wonder. On the side baked beans souped up with onions, cider, and some chilli chutney. All making wet welsh camping ok.

Rack of, rack off

I am still beavering away at ED, there is a lot to report but I've allowed myself to complicate the process. Convincing myself I don't have time, time, but it only takes seconds, but I didn't take a photo I declare.  Well this is a fine example of a recent dish, rack of something, I have repeated this recipe with rack of roadkill and rack of lamb, rack of lamb was preferable the roadkill was intense.  

Picnic time